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Yoga diet adaption in our life in international yoga day


If you want to adopt more flexible, strong, energetic, capable body, positive heart and mind then practising yoga is very much essential. It’s a superb way of exercise that will improve your overall fitness, as well as aiding your mental well being also.

Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term originated from YUJ meaning ‘to join or yoke together’, so one of the important purposes of yoga is to bring together and union between the body, mind and spirit into a harmonious whole.

The yogic body is the vehicle to wisdom, hormone, peace, spiritual awakening, and as such the body is held to be sacred, self-realisation help to achieve yogic hormone in life. In yoga practising, we get to know a discipline of the body which only comes from attentiveness, tuning our body’s into sustainable energy flows and the life to our breathing pattern. Yoga practising helps us to reduce body stress level, improve overall body functioning, give strength and energy, help to manage and treat chronic as well as acute diseases, makes you flexible and improve overall all

immune functions.

There are many benefits one must ensure from better posture to greater self-acceptance:

Overall benefits of yoga for better well beings:

• Improved posture and improve breathing techniques

• Better sleep and promote good quality of life

• Increased energy level and better balance

• Provide Greater flexibility, strength and stamina

• Build Stronger immune system and better metabolic rate

• Blood pressure decreases and manages blood sugar level

• Cholesterol levels decreases

• Cleansing, maintaining, managing and regulating of all the body’s systems

• Give Greater confidence, relax the mind and more positive and happy mood

• Increased awareness and consciousness of body, posture and movement

• Counters the problem of tension, depression and anxiety

So in the international yoga day not only incorporate harmony of yoga in life but

also follow good, effective and healthy yoga rich diet in your life well being.

Many people mistaken that a vegan diet is the same as a yoga rich diet. But what

does it actually mean? What is a yoga diet?

so a yogic diet follows some simple rules as stated below:

  1. A yoga rich diet must be Sattvic.
    Sattvic food is one of the purest diet form, the most suitable one . It nourishes your
    overall body. This diet calms and purifies the mind and soul, enabling strength and
    stamina. A Sattvic diet will truly lead to true health, fit body and mind, with
    balancing flow of energy , stamina and strength.
    Sattvic foods include:
    • Wholegrain
    • Fresh fruit and vegetables or fruit pure juices
    • Pure form of diary or coconut or almond milk
    • Legumes and pulses
    • Nuts and mix seeds
    • Honey and jaggery with herbal teas
  2. A yoga rich diet should contain fresh foods and vegetables.
    It has been recommended to always prepare a fresh meal including fresh green
    veggies or fruits. Frozen, prepared, packaged and left-over foods should be avoided
  3. A yoga rich diet should be free from stimulants.
    One must choose organic food, vegetables, teas (caffeinated free) or fruits when available and should completely restrict caffeine, coffee, alcohol, artificial sweeteners or tobacco. These stimulants are not healthy for your body, soul and mind and destroy the immune system badly. So a yogic diet should be free from chemicals or stimulants.
    4. A yoga rich diet should be pure vegetarian. It has been recommended to follow a pure vegetarian diet in terms of yoga diet. Nuts, seeds, pure dairy products, leafy greens vegetables, and legumes plus pulses are full of high-quality protein. It is readily digestible and fully utilised by the body effectively and efficiently and highly nutritious to our body.
  4. A yoga rich diet should be consumed regular interval of time with proper hydration: (two hours before asana practice or sleep).
    Try to Avoid food two hours prior to exercise or yoga or sleep which helps the body activity at its best possible capacity. Ensuring proper time for digestion is recommended before sleep which helps to keep the mind clear and build immunity strong and soothe the body functions. Thus, if you avoid food two-three hours before yoga or sleep, the body gets more valuable time to digest food and your body fully hydrated with 3-4 litre of water daily

    Keep in mind that small, valuable changes in life will help you to lead a healthy lifestyle until you live. Remember that you are your own gods and goddesses, and your body is a temple, So keep your temple, clean by eating clean food with proper duration. Keep food choices easy, clean,simple, pure, fresh rest Your inner yogi or
    yogic knows the best what is good for you, for your body, mind and soul.

    Happy International Yoga Day to all…….

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