About Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 comes under the category of water-soluble vitamins. It has the largest and complex chemical structure. Vitamin B12 also known as Cobalamin. Microbial environment and intrinsic factor in the stomach, and normally functioning pancreas helps in the absorption of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin, exists in various forms including cyano-, methyl-, and hydroxy-cobalamin. Among these cyano forms, which are used in supplements, are found in various food items. It can be stored in the body for years, so required in very low amounts. Being soluble in water, it can travel along with the bloodstream, and get stored in the body. Vitamin B12 naturally found in animal foods, milk products, poultry and egg, and vitamin B12 fortified food.
Physiological significance:
Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of Red blood cells, maintenance of the central nervous system and immune system. Vitamin B12 also helps in turning food into glucose ( fuel for the body). Besides it, like another B vitamin, it also acts as a cofactor in the breakdown of protein and fat.
The average daily recommended amount falls in the range 2.4-2.8 mcg, varies according to various age groups
Vitamin B12 deficiency and weight
Lower than normal level of vitamin B12 leads to its deficiency.
Various researches and observations show controversial results. One study observes that individuals with excess weight gain or obsess people have low Vitamin B12 level than that of normal weighted individuals. Another research shows people who consume Vitamin B12 supplements have experienced an increase in their weight. Logically deficiency may lead to weight loss, as Vitamin B12 directly participates in metabolism, and its deficiency can affect the metabolism of basic macromolecules. Weight loss is a more likely possible symptom of Vitamin B12 deficiency. To prove the statement that ‘ Vitamin B12 deficiency causes weight gain’, we still need more research and studies. Among other symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency like fatigue, cognitive impairment, numbness, poor balance, memory issues, and most importantly anemia, weight gain may be just a fictional symptom. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be prevented by consuming Vitamin B12 rich food items. Supplements can be used under a specialist’s guidance.
To prove the statement that ‘ Vitamin B12 deficiency causes weight gain’, we still need more research and studies. Among other symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency like fatigue, cognitive impairment, numbness, poor balance, memory issues, and most importantly anemia, weight gain may be just a fictional symptom. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be prevented by consuming Vitamin B12 rich food items. Supplements can be used under a specialist’s guidance.
In nutshell
Vitamin B12 deficiency first came into existence in 1849. It is an energy-yielding vitamin and also involved in other important biological processes, like RBC synthesis. There are many eatables known as a source of Vitamin B12, can prevent us from disorders related to its deficiency. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, like fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other milk products. Generally, Vitamin B12 is not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals are a readily available source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability for those who do not consume non-vegetarian food. Surveys say In USA 1.5 to 15% of people are suffering from Vitamin B12 deficiency.
In order to prevent or treat deficiency, Vitamin B12 shots are convenient to measure. These injections are meant to administer via intramuscular route on doctors’ prescriptions.
Message :- Health is wealth, Eat healthy, stay healthy.